Capability Framework
An answer to your need
The role of the Tissue Viability Practitioner is complex, encompassing a range of healthcare specialities, which include paediatrics, adults, older people, mental health, and learning disabilities. Practitioners are expected to possess specialist knowledge and skills to expertly manage a range of skin integrity issues, and to identify, appraise, analyse and implement up-to-date evidence-based findings into clinical practice (Ousey et al., 2014).
To date within tissue viability, there are very few tools with which to measure and benchmark expertise.
In 2014 at Wounds UK Conference, we asked you what you needed, you told us:
There were no nationally recognised competencies
No clarity of role and responsibilities
No clear framework to support your role
You wanted the tools to prove your impact
So we listened and have delivered the first ever UK wide Tissue Viability Competency Framework developed by the University of Huddersfield and Urgo Partnership
The aim of this framework
The Tissue Viability Service Competency Framework has been developed to assist healthcare practitioners, TVNs and those aspiring to work in the area of tissue viability to understand the skills and knowledge required in this specialist area of care. It should be noted that this framework is not prescriptive, but serves as a guide that can be used as a baseline to build and shape services and support personal development. It is hoped that application of the framework will facilitate national benchmarking of knowledge and skills within the field, in addition that its use will promote equity and transferability of expertise across the UK thereby helping to develop the workforce in this area. This framework is designed to be personalised to your development needs and may be used to provide evidence for your skills passport.
Who is the framework relevant for?
The framework is relevant for all staff who work within a tissue viability service. We recognise that not all staff have the title Tissue Viability Nurse or similar, but the competencies listed have been developed to recognise the varying levels/grades of staff that practice within this specialist area.