Surgical wounds

Of all wounds, the surgical wound (or operating wound) is probably the most distinct. Unlike other wounds, surgical wounds are caused by an intentional medical procedure used to treat an existing health issue. The related precautions and care should guarantee optimal healing. What is a surgical wound? A surgical wound is classified according to two …


Burns are a common injury. In the UK, an estimated 250,000 people receive burn injuries each year 1. Around 90% of burn injuries in the UK are non-complex wounds 2. This type of accident is most often domestic, usually occurring in the kitchen or the garden. In almost half of cases, burns are caused by …

Leg ulcers

Leg ulcers are skin lesions arising from bad blood circulation into the veins and/or the arteries. They affect 1 in 100 1 people, mainly women, and up to 3% of the over 65s 2. These ulcers can take a long time to heal and need to be taken seriously as soon as they appear in order to prevent …

Diabetic foot ulcers

Diabetic foot ulcers are one of the major complications of diabetes. Between 19-34% of all diabetic patients will develop a foot ulcer at some point in their lives 1.  Often underestimated, or even unrecognised by patients, a diabetic foot ulcer can lead to complications such as infection, or in the worst cases, amputation. After amputation, …

Risk factors

Several factors can cause a wound,  compromise its healing, or even cause an acute wound to become a chronic wound, with all the risks of complications that brings. Below are some of the risk factors usually present: Disease-related risk factors Venous insufficiency: Prevents the blood from reaching the upper body (moving towards the heart). It …

What is a wound?

There are two categories of wounds: Acute wounds They can be described as wounds that appear suddenly; such as burns and post-operative wounds related to surgery, or traumatic wounds, which can look like cuts, lacerations, bites, scratches, or can result from extreme weather conditions, as in the case of frostbite. For these acute wounds, the physiological healing …