Business Skills Development Module Applications for full educational funding to attend the 2023 TVLC Business Skills Development Module (30 Masters Credits) are OPEN! Funded places are limited, see below for more information and how to apply! In 2017 Urgo Medical in partnership with the University of Huddersfield developed the Tissue Viability Leading Change (TVLC) …
By joining Urgo Medical, you will meet many different teams who are united by a common mission, “Healing People”, support healthcare professionals to heal people by providing evidence-based treatments and innovative services so that life can start again for patients. This mission guides us each day, gives us the drive to surpass ourselves and reinforces …
Urgo Medical, a family company Urgo Medical is the advanced wound care division of the French family-group Urgo. Our mission: healing people As wounds are a significant source of suffering around the world, our mission, as a Healing Company is to support healthcare professionals to heal people with evidence-based treatments and innovative services so that …
The Multi-component compression bandages that provides continuous, consistent and comfortable compression UrgoKTwo combines the benefits of a soft padded short-stretch bandage and a cohesive long-stretch bandage to achieve the therapeutic pressure of ~40mmHg (or ~20mmHg for UrgoKTwo Reduced) at the ankle, for venous leg ulcers, venous oedema and lymphoedema, returning patients to healing1. CompositionIndications Size …
The skin is made up of several layers placed one on top of the other: The epidermis: The outermost layer of the skin, the epidermis is covered by the stratum corneum, similar to a pile of flat, resistant cells. It serves as a protective envelope, sheltering the body from microbes. It is studded with pores …
Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare, genetic skin disease which affects around 500,000 people worldwide. Young patients are often called ‘butterfly children’ because their skin seems as fragile as butterfly wings. As there is no curative treatment currently, this painful and debilitating condition requires specific daily treatment. What is epidermolysis bullosa? In patients with epidermolysis bullosa, …